How to Change a Hot Water Heater Temperature
Every home has a water heater working quietly in the background to warm up water for showering, cooking, cleaning and other household activities. However, does the water in your residence feel too hot at the tap? Maybe the opposite is true, and the water doesn’t seem to ever get hot enough. You might need to correct your hot water heater settings to enhance comfort, safety and energy efficiency. Read more to find out why you might decide to change the temperature and how to make this simple adjustment based on the type of water heater in your residence.
Why to Change Your Water Heater Temperature
Occasionally, you need to lower the temperature; other times, the hot water might require a boost. According to the US Department of Energy, the most beneficial water heater temperature is between 120 and 140 degrees F, striking a balance between safety and energy efficiency.
Just where inside this range should you set your hot water heater? The answer relies on your household’s individual needs.
Reasons to Turn the Temperature Down
- Safety: A temperature of more than 140 degrees risks third-degree burns in just a few seconds. Lowering your water heater’s temperature closer to 120 degrees further minimizes the risk of scalding from the tap. Even though this can happen to anyone, children and older adults are particularly at risk, as their skin is sensitive and can burn more rapidly.
- Maintenance: Turning the temperature off is an essential first step before draining the tank or doing other water heater maintenance tasks. Once the unit is off, wait several hours so the water can cool before beginning maintenance so scalding water doesn’t splash on your skin.
- Energy savings: Water heating accounts for a major portion of your home’s energy use. Reducing the temperature setting to 120 degrees decreases your utility expenses without compromising hot water performance. When you will be gone for a few days, decrease the temperature even more for energy savings while you’re out.
Why You Should Turn Up a Water Heater’s Temperature
- Microbial growth in the tank: Don’t set your water heater lower than 120 degrees for a long time because this produces an environment where unhealthy bacteria can grow.
- Better cleaning: If your dishwasher doesn’t include a built-in heating capability, you might need to set your water heater greater than 120 degrees for your dishes to get clean. Hotter water cleans grease and dirt more successfully and offers better sanitation.
- More hot water for everyone: Boosting your water heater’s temperature makes more hot water available. If you’re normally the last one to get ready in the morning and you repeatedly suffer through lukewarm showers, try turning the water heater setting up to 140 degrees.
How to Change the Temperature on a Hot Water Heater
Before making any changes, it’s smart to check your current water temperature. Turn on the hot water tap at the kitchen sink and hold a cooking thermometer under the flow. Often, the temperature at the tap is about 10 degrees less than the water heater setting due to heat loss as the water flows through your pipes.
Altering the water heater is an easy task with most units. Follow these tips to help you make the proper adjustment.
Adjusting the Temperature on a Tank-Style Water Heater
If the water in your home has a gas or electric storage tank, inspect the bottom of the tank for a temperature dial. You should see “Low” on one end and “Very Hot” on the other, with letter and symbol markings in between. Move the knob a little bit one way or the other, depending on if you are aiming for hotter or cooler water.
After the adjustment, hold off doing anything else to the water heater for three hours for the temperature in the tank to stabilize. Next, go find the water temperature at the tap another time. Even though you’re waiting a bit to test the temperature, you can keep using your hot water like normal during this waiting period.
Tankless Water Heater Temperature Adjustment
Contemporary tankless models commonly have an easy-to-use digital control panel with temperature settings you can move up or down just by hitting a button. Note that tankless water heaters might not be able to attain the highest settings during cold spells or peak demand times. If you’re having difficulties with the lower flow rate, consider setting up a second point-of-use unit in the kitchen or bathroom.
Contact Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning for Water Heater Services in Fort Lauderdale
Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning is dedicated to enhancing home comfort and safety with reliable water heater repair in Fort Lauderdale. Consider scheduling services with us if you need guidance or support in adjusting your hot water heater settings or if the thermostat reading and tap temperature don’t seem to match. We offer fast, lasting solutions to all your water heater problems. For expert service tailored to your needs, contact Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning at 954-736-4314 today!